Exam Time table..click to enlarge
 ~~7 Jan 2012~~
GOOD LUCK kawan2!!

::17 Dec 2012::

Today Dr Jamal gives us some tips for final exam.
The  tips are:

8 subjective question
-4 in section A (video part)
-4 in section B (animation part)

Answer any 3 Q from sect A n 3 Q from sect B
Please answer in 2 different booklet.

*The questions are:
-in Malay and English
-from: slide, discussion and article

How to answer?
-1-recall what u have learnt

-->always relate on WHAT, WHY and HOW

Example of past year question..

1. Give 4 basic animation principles and how the principle help an animator to produce a good quality animation.

-->can draw
-->give example

2.jump cut scene/ cut away shot


::10 Dec 2012::

After a short discussion, Dr Jamal set the date for video and animation presentation.
The date is 31 December 2012!!

*The marks will be given in group and also individually based on our scene.
So be prepare my dear friends.


Dr Jamal demonstrate on how to animate.

*while animate, we can lock at the joint by adjusting the pivot point
for example: siku,lengan,kaki

*dont create animation in a whole timeline. It is because if anything/problem happen, it will effect the whole timeline and it is so tidious and complicate to edit.

-->So we can use movie in a movie-for example: King Klause


Today we also learnt about STORYBOARD..

1.Why storyboard?
=easy to show the flow

2.Why storyboard is in small size?
=easy to draw
=no need to draw bigger.

3.In one sample of storyboard, there is a term footage. What is footage?
-->resource or example of different animation production
-->like reference

4. int: internal (inside environment for example: dalam rumah/ kelas)
    ext: external (outside environment for example:padang bola/school)

5.we can use arrow to show the effect of zoom. For example:

6. In storyboard we can draw a simple drawing or even using 'orang lidi' OR download image from internet.

7. Example/template of storyboard. Choose which one u want

just wanna share this video...
-animated storyboard

Task during class:
panning and zooming


::03 December 2012::

3. I also learnt new techniques today:

-fade in
-fade out

- at frame 1 make the box color as alpha=100%

at frame 15, make the box color as alpha=0%
-right click at any frame 1-15 at box layer-->create motion tween

so the result will be like this:

- the box at frame 15 make it color as alpha=0%

-right click at any frame 15-50 at box layer-->create motion tween

so the result will be like this:

::03 Dec 2012::

1. Animatic is 

  • like a dynamic storyboard
  • a series of still images
  • give idea of flow of the storyline.
These videos  are the example of animatic

2. Importing image

Today i also learnt about import to stage vs import to library..
what is the differences?

-->The "Import to Stage" will add the image in the Library and places a copy on the Stage, while the "Import to Library" will add the image in the Library only.
-->When you import or paste an image onto the stage, Flash stores a copy in the Library panel.

Importing image

File -> Import, then choose Import to Stage (or Import to Library).

If the graphics files have sequential names like img_02.jpg, img_03.jpg, img_04.jpg, and so on, Flash will detect the sequential files and can import the entire series (each picture in a Frame).

In this case, Flash recognises the sequential names and display a dialog box to asks if you want to import the entire series.


- You can drag and use from the Library on the stage multiple copies of an image.

- If you delete an image on the Stage, it still remains in the Library, but when you delete an image from Library, all of its copies will be deleted.

- Adding graphic files in Flash it increments considerably the size of the Flash file (the SWF presentation).

credit to http://coursesweb.net/flash/importing-images

3. to b continued